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20 June 2018

Fixpoints in gftest, part II

Part I

Welcome to part II! This won’t make any sense without reading part I so do that if you didn’t already.

Workflow in gftest

This is a short summary of how gftest works—you can read our paper or my thesis if you want more details. The following is enough to understand this post.

  1. Choose a GF function f : A → B
  2. In PMCFG, it is actually several functions f¹: A¹→B¹fⁿ: Aⁿ→Bⁿ
  3. For each concrete function, we generate (best!) arguments aⁿ, of types Aⁿ respectively, and apply each fⁱ to the corresponding argument. (Read my thesis to find out the definition of best.)
  4. For each subtree fⁿ aⁿ of types Bⁿ, generate a set of contexts, which together use all fields from the subtree.

A context for some category C is a tree in the start category, with a hole of type C. Let’s take the function Mod : Quality → Kind → Kind from the Foods grammar. In step 3, we supply arguments of types Quality and Kind, such as Vegan and Pizza, to obtain Mod Vegan Pizza. In step 4, we would generate a context such as Pred (This _) Good, which we then fill with vegan pizza: “this vegan pizza is good”.

A string’s journey to the start category

For a given category C, we would like to find paths between it and the start category. To be more precise, just enough different paths that all of its string fields get used at least once.

alt text

How does a subtree get to show around the strings in its fields? They need to end up in the s field of a tree in the start category!

If the subtree is the whole tree, then it needs nothing from anyone else to accomplish its goal. “I don’t need any context, I am my own context!” it boasts to its subtrees.

If the subtree is any other tree in a non-start category, then it depends on other categories in order to make it to the start category. The s field of Comment is the goal for all categories: we need to find a succession of function applications that take a string from some field in C, through all other intermediate categories, so that it finally ends up in the s field of Comment.

The word depend is a bit counter-intuitive here: normally you’d think that Item depends on Kind, because the only way to form an Item is using one of the functions of type Kind → Item. But when we think of contexts, we say instead that the context of Kind depends on the context of Item. Look at Mod Vegan Pizza in the picture: it has two strings that it would love to show around. But Pred, which is the only function that creates something in the start category, doesn’t take Kinds. So it has to rely on This to lift it up into an Item, and only then can Pred get access to the strings that originally came from Vegan and Pizza1.

The same story but with more fixpoints

Now let’s stop imagining that syntax trees have feelings and desires2. What do we need to turn this into a fixpoint computation?

The strongest clue was the notion of dependence: in order to compute contexts for Kind, we need to already have computed contexts for Item. All categories depend on other categories, except for the start category.

So, in the beginning we know the optimal path (“do nothing, you’re already there!”) for the start category, but not for other categories. This is a hint that we could do top-down, just like we did when computing reachable categories. Let’s start writing and figure out the actual values and types as we go.

Remember again that contexts are trees with holes, or in other words, functions of type Tree → Tree. To construct paths, we apply the trees that are closer to the start category to the trees that are lower. Well, technically we cannot apply Tree → Tree into another Tree → Tree–we just get a composition that is still Tree → Tree. But eventually there will be a Tree: one of those examples we’ve generated at the step before context generation. Here is an artist’s illustration on the process:

alt text

So what kind of a trivial Tree → Tree function we could use for Comment? Well, you can’t get more trivial than id : a → a.

CtxComment := { id }
CtxItem    := { }
CtxQuality := { }
CtxKind    := { }

We also have information on the original grammar: for every category we know which functions take it as an argument, and how manyeth argument it is. In addition, we know which fields from its argument it uses (i.e. sends upwards).

This is just a trivial lookup table we get directly from the grammar. The notation is as follows: Category ➡ (Function, arg. position, [fields from the argument the function uses]).

Item     (Pred,0,[s]) -- Pred : Item → Quality → Comment
Quality  (Pred,1,[s])
          ,(Mod,0,[s])  -- Mod : Quality → Kind → Kind
Kind     (This,0,[sg]) -- This,That,… : Kind → Item

Round 1

With this information, can we now find some contexts for Item?

CtxComment := { id }
CtxItem    := { ctx (Pred  🐰) | ctx  CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { }
CtxKind    := { }

Looks promising! By the way, remember that ctx comes from CtxComment, which only contains id. So CtxItem reduces to {Pred • 🐰}.

Where did that 🐰 come from? Just take it as a placeholder: “we’re going to need something else here too, but let’s not worry about it now–the string we pick from Item is not affected by it. So keep calm, here’s a rabbit.”

And that dot ? That’s where the Item is going to go.

In fact, on this same round we get a first context for Quality as well!

-- Round 1 finished 
CtxComment := { id }
CtxItem    := { ctx (Pred  🐰) | ctx  CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ctx (Pred 🐰 ) | ctx  CtxComment }
CtxKind    := { }

The first context comes from the same function, Pred. The only difference is that Pred takes Quality as its second argument; so now we place the rabbit as a placeholder for the first argument.

Note that for Item, Pred was the only function that ever takes it as an argument. For Quality, we have another option (Mod), but we cannot unlock it yet, because Mod returns a Kind, and we haven’t unlocked any contexts for Kind yet!

Round 2

As we go on the second round, we will compute a context for Kind. Let’s have our first try:

CtxComment := { id }
CtxItem    := { ctx (Pred  🐰) | ctxCtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ctx (Pred 🐰 ) | ctx  CtxComment }
CtxKind    := { ctx (That •)    | ctx ← CtxItem }

Okay, now we’re running into trouble. For the first time, we have a choice of 4 Kind → Item functions. I just picked one that was alphabetically the first and hoped we get something type-correct.

In fact, there’s a missing piece of information in the context lists: we also need to store the fields that make it to the top! So let’s add that information into the contexts we have so far:

CtxComment := { ( id             , [s] ) }
CtxItem    := { ( ctx (Pred  🐰), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ( ctx (Pred 🐰 ), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxKind    := { ( ctx (That )   , [sg] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxItem }

This shows more clearly that we’re not done yet: we only cover the sg field, but all Kinds have also a pl field. This could be a possible step in the fixpoint computation–maybe the contexts from categories that are so far unlocked don’t have anything that uses pl field. But we actually know it’s not true: there are functions that use the pl field, we just didn’t know how to pick them.

Let’s make the computation for CtxKind more general:

CtxKind    := { ( ctx (F )   , fields used by F )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxItem
              , F  functions of type Kind → Item }

Now this is better, but slightly redundant: we end up with more contexts than we need. Thus we add a pruning step, which adds a new context for C only if it covers fields not yet in CtxC. (More details later.) Since all of This, That, These, Those just cover one field, we probably end up picking the alphabetically first variants, That and These. Now let’s finally look at our contexts!

-- Round 2 finished
CtxComment := { ( id             , [s] ) }
CtxItem    := { ( ctx (Pred  🐰), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ( ctx (Pred 🐰 ), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxKind    := { ( ctx (That  )  , [sg] )
              , ( ctx (These )  , [pl] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxItem }

In fact, we are done, even without consulting all functions! That’s the benefit of going top-down: we don’t waste time trying out functions that may lead anywhere. Consider Quality for instance: we’d eventually found our way to Comment even by following Mod first, but why bother when Pred already takes a Quality directly to Comment?

In English, we don’t bother, because there’s only one field in Quality. Now let’s take a hypothetical language that is just like English, except that adjectives come in two variants, attributive and predicative.

LangEng> the warm pizza is warm
LangDut> de warme pizza is warm

Actually it exists and is called Dutch. Now we’ve got two fields for Quality–let’s call them pred and attr. The function Pred covers the field pred, and we need to wait until the 3rd round, when CtxKind is no more empty, to find a context that covers attr.

Round 3 (Dutch only)

CtxComment := { ( id             , [s] ) }
CtxItem    := { ( ctx (Pred  🐰), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ( ctx (Pred 🐰 ), [pred] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment } 
              { ( ctx (Mod  🐰) , [attr] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxKind }
CtxKind    := { ( ctx (That  )  , [sg] )
              , ( ctx (These )  , [pl] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxItem }

And now we’re done for Dutch as well. Before we go on de-bunnifying the contexts, let’s talk about the pruning step in a bit more detail.

Important points on pruning

For fixpoint purposes, it’s important that we implement the pruning function in a way that prioritises the already computed contexts, because otherwise we’d be throwing away old and replacing them with new all the time, and the sets would not converge. It would go like “oh cool, this Mod Vegan (Mod Good (Mod Warm (Mod Green •))) sure is a totally new and exciting context, better throw away the Mod Good (Mod Warm (Mod Green •)) that already covered the same fields”. Nope, we keep the first one that covers sg, first one that covers pl, and so on.

Well there’s a small exception: assume that we added a whole new abstract syntax construction of type Kind → Item, which uses both singular and plural in one sentence! Then we get just one context which covers [sg,pl], and thus we throw away both (ctx (That •), [sg]) and (ctx (These •), [pl]), in favour of, say, (ctx (ThisAndThese •), [sg,pl]).

So, the set of contexts for a category C may change during the fixpoint computation. It grows as we unlock contexts for more categories, further down from the start category. It may also shrink, if we find a single context that covers the fields from multiple, previously computed, contexts. But most importantly, the list of fields from C that make it into the start category is growing throughout the fixpoint computation. It’s just the way those fields are clumped into contexts that changes.

Apply and de-bunnify the contexts

Let’s go back to English, and finish the context business. Here’s a reminder of what we got from the fixpoint computation.

CtxComment := { ( id             , [s] ) }
CtxItem    := { ( ctx (Pred  🐰), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxQuality := { ( ctx (Pred 🐰 ), [s] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxComment }
CtxKind    := { ( ctx (That  )  , [sg] )
              , ( ctx (These )  , [pl] )
              | (ctx,_) ← CtxItem }

This table contains the contexts for all categories! Let’s try them out one by one.

Okay let’s do Kind, because it doesn’t have the bunnies. The variable ctx comes from CtxItem, so let’s evaluate that first.

CtxKind    := { ( ctx (That  ) , [sg] )
              , ( ctx (These ) , [pl] )
              | (ctx,_)  { ctx' (Pred  🐰)
                          | (ctx',_)  CtxComment} }

Help, nested set comprehensions! Let’s reduce a bit:

CtxKind    := { ( ctx' (Pred (That  ) 🐰) , [sg] )
              , ( ctx' (Pred (These ) 🐰) , [pl] )
              | (ctx',_)  CtxComment }

Looks better. Let’s keep reducing those expressions, we’re almost done (CtxComment only contains id).

CtxKind    := { ( Pred (That  ) 🐰 , [sg] )
              , ( Pred (These ) 🐰 , [pl] ) }

Now these looks like proper contexts! Well, except for the bunnies. So now we get rid of them in a simple step: generate an arbitrary (minimal) subtree of the category whose placeholder the bunny is. That’s it. If you want to be fancy, choose a subtree that has no identical elements to the rest of the context, so we don’t get sentences like “the pizza gives the pizza the pizza”.

The end

That’s all. Now we know how to see context generation as a fixpoint computation.


1. Actually, Pizza is not quite satisfied–it lost its plural field along the way. So the following is more like how Pizza would like it.

alt text

2. If, on the other hand, you liked that, here’s one more illustration just for you!

alt text

tags: research